The Club

Clube Aveirense de Automóveis Antigos


Throughout its rich history, CAAA has carried out memorable actions, both nationally and internationally, always promoting the preservation and enrichment of the motor vehicle and motorcycle heritage that so much in history has contributed to the evolution of the populations lifestyle, in an intimate man-machine relationship.

The importance of CAAA in the movement of motorcycle and motorcycle collecting in Portugal is revealed in different ways, such as the role of our Club in the foundation of the Portuguese Federation of Old Vehicles (FPVA) and in the percussion of international classic car shows as is the case of Automobilia, a recognized show across borders.


Among our various objectives, the Club gives special importance to providing members with special privileges in the assistance regarding the acquisition, restoration, conservation and obtaining information for their historical vehicles.

The member can benefit from insurance at economical prices for his vehicle, as well as advantages in participating in different events organized by the Club.

The member can also enjoy the facilities of the Club and its Museum, accessing the useful documentation, visit the different displays and participate in information sessions, coexisting with other members in a pleasant and comfortable environment.


The Clube Aveirense de Automóveis Antigos was the result of the enthusiasm from a group of old automobiles and motorcycles fans from the region of Aveiro that sporadically met for socializing. These meetings resulted in a unanimous desire to join forces and thus create a Club dedicated to the theme that everyone so much enjoyed. So, on July 11, 1991, the Statutes of the C.A.A.A, signed by the twenty Founding Members, were officially approved, beginning in that year the first activities of the Club. It should be noted that C.A.A.A was the first national congener association to congregate car and motorcycle enthusiasts in the same social environment, with the realization of common events.

Today, with more than 500 members from different regions, C.A.A.A affirms itself as one of the main national clubs in the defense and preservation of the national road heritage. And so let's continue!


CAAA timetable

- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 14:00h to 18:00h

- Thursday: 21:30h to 11:30h

The Club's address:

Rua do Loureiro, nº13

3810-127 Aveiro

Automobilia 2024

From 24 to 26th May, in Aveiro, Portugal. As always , for more than 30 years, May is AUTOMOBILIA month

The Automobilia show

The oldest and largest show in Portugal dedicated to the world of transportation of times gone by, is back in 2024 for its 30th edition on the 24, 25 and 26th of May, at the Aveiro show hall, in Portugal.

This 30th edition of this famed show will be an important comemorative edition, proving itself as the real icon of automobilia events in Portugal.

It will be over 300 exhibitors that will show to the thousands of public visitors a wealth of vehicles, parts, objects, books, advertising, tools, toys and models, etc, everything related to the world of transportation of yesteryear.

Besides the market component, the show always helds several thematic exhibitions concerning all types of vehicles, providing to the public a unique opportunity to see and learn a whole new world of subjects of other eras.

Surely an event not to be missed!

Themes for the 30th edition

As happens every year since 1992, the visitor finds at the Automobilia a vast new world of thematic exhibitions, always original and covering themes never seen elsewhere. Together with this, a wealth of materials, items and classic vehicles are brought to the show by the over 300 exhibitors for sale or trade. All these activities are our goal of promoting the preservation of yesterday's world of transportation.

Soon the main themes for the exhibitions will be updated here.

As complementary activities, we'll have the presence of several classic car and motorcycle clubs, classic car meetings and the fourth edition of Old Bycicles Tour through the city of Aveiro as well as touristic tours in the city in classic bus and other activities to be announced here soon.

Exhibitor's documentation


Registration Form 2024


Rules 2024



Stands assembly:

24 May: 14:00 - 20:00h

25 May: 09:00 - 23:00h

26 May: 09:00 - 12:00h


Stands disassembly:

26 May: 20:30 - 24:00h

27 May: 09:00 - 20:00h


Public attendance:

24 May: 15:00 - 20:00h

25 May: 10:00 - 20:00h

26 May: 10:00 - 20:00h

Próximos eventos

Destacamos algumas novidades sobre os nossos próximos eventos

  • Dia aberto do Clube

    Todos os 2º sábados de cada mês

    Todos os 2º sábados de cada mês, das 10:00 às 18:30, a Sede do Clube está aberta para visitas gratuitas ao seu espólio museulógico

  • Encontros mensais

    Encontro informal de sócios no 1º domingo de cada mês

    No 1º domingo de cada mês, das 10h às 12h, encontro informal com as nossas máquinas antigas junto ao Farol da Barra, para conversar e tomar café

  • Assembleia Geral Ordinária

    Assembleia Geral regulamentar em 31 de Março de 2017

    Assembleia Geral Ordinária com a seguinte ordem de trabalhos: - Aprovação das contas 2016 - Eleição de novos Órgãos Sociais - Outros assuntos do Clube

  • Passeio da Primavera

    16 de Abril de 2017

    Passeio pela região centro do País para apreciar a chegada da Primavera nos campos verdes e floridos

  • Automobilia

    25ª Edição

    Edição nº25 da Automobilia, um evento marcante com um programa muito especial. De 19 a 21 de Maio de 2017, na AveiroExpo, em Aveiro, a não perder!

  • 13º Encontro Nacional de Motas Antigas

    18 de Junho de 2017

    Mais uma edição deste importante evento exclusivo às motas antigas, com um passeio, visita a lugares de interesse e com muito divertimento

  • 26º Aniversário do CAAA

    16 de Julho de 2017

    A comemoração do aniversário do nosso Clube, com exposição de veículos, passeio e almoço de confraternização

  • Passeio de Outono

    16 e 17 de Setembro de 2017

    Um passeio de fim de semana, com visita a lugares históricos, gastronomia regional e muita descontração

  • Passeio ao Festival do Vapor, no Museu Nacional Ferroviário

    29 e 30 de Setembro

    Fim de semana no Entroncamento e Torres Novas para participar no Festival do Vapor (Museu Nacional Ferroviário). Visita ao Convento de Cristo em Tomar

  • Passeio de S.Martinho

    12 de Novembro de 2017

    A tradicional comemoração do santo associado ao bom tempo (às vezes...) em que não faltarão as castanhas assadas acompanhadas de jerupiga

  • Jantar de Natal

    9 de Dezembro de 2017

    Encerramento das actividades do ano com o tradicional jantar de Natal, com ementa alusiva à época, música e muita animação

Antes era jovem e rápido, agora sou só rápido!

- Sábio desconhecido... -


Galeria de fotos das edições anteriores

Para qualquer questão ou informação adicionalContacte-nos
Rua do Loureiro, nº13 - Apartado 46, 3810-127 AVEIRO


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